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Anchors are just places you designate on a page that you can link to from anywhere else. So for example, if you were on one page and wanted a link to go to a specific section on another page. Or if you just want a link to be clicked and bring the user further down the page (see example link above).


Step 1: Go to the section or page you want to have people go to when they click a link.

Step2: In the tools section on the left, click "Add" and then go to "menu".

Step 3: You'll see an option for "Anchors". Drag the blue box anchor to wherever you want a user to go to when they click a link. Rename it something you'll recognize.

Step 4: On any text, image, button, etc., make it a link just like usual. Except choose, when it asks what you want it to link to, the page and specific anchor. You should see the anchor name that you renamed in the step above. Choose that. Done!


I’m a paragraph. Double click here or click Edit Text to add some text of your own or to change the font. Tell your visitors a bit about your services.

About Us Anchor
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